API Docs
Full profile object

The Full Profile Object

The profile object contains:

  • All information gathered on the company or declared (if sole trader / indervidual)
  • All information declared by the user during the onboarding
  • Any screenings performed on people or the company and the results
  • Results of ID verifications
  • Any notes, documents or statuses that have been assigned by the compliance team
  • Any linked profiles or related entities

Essentially the profile object is a complete view of that profile in Detected.

Object Overview





Your unique reference for the profile, can be set as part of the onboarding link and used to link external systems with Detected

Set via the onboarding link


Selected company information that has been found in global data sources

Company = gathered from global data sources

Soletraders = onboarding portal


Results for Sanctions & Adverse media checks against the company

Global data sources


Information gathered about the companies domain name and website

Data checks on the domain from global data sources


The majority of the information gathered for this company profile


All information gathered on the company from global data sources or all information declared for a soletrader

Company = gathered from global data sources

Soletraders = onboarding portal


Insights generated by Detected for this profile


Summary of the insights generated, can be used for profile scoring


Renewal information of the profile, shows when specific data will be refreshed


The version of the profile, whenever data is refreshed the profile version is updated


The status of the profile,

Set from the monitoring dashboard by your compliance team


The review status of the profile, more information on status can be found: Profile Status

Some status set automatically, others via the monitoring dashboard by your compliance team.


the risk score thats been set for this profile

Set from the monitoring dashboard by your compliance team


Any notes that have been assigned to the profile by the compliance team

Set from the monitoring dashboard by your compliance team


Information on any directors that have been gathered from global datasources for the profile

Company = gathered from global data sources

Soletraders = not applicable


The information gathered on each director from the global data sources

Company = gathered from global data sources

Soletraders = not applicable


Adverse Media, PEP & Sanction checks against those directors, this is only populated if this mode is enabled

Company = gathered from global data sources

Soletraders = not applicable


The configuration for the onboarding portal


Any documents that have been uploaded by the user in the portal

Uploaded during onboarding

Internal Documents

Any documents uploaded by the compliance team to this profile

Uploaded in the monitoring dashboard by your compliance team


This is a collection of any inderviduals that have been added during the onboarding flow

Gathered during onboarding actions


An overview of the relationship this person has to the company profile. this can be any combination of the following:

- Declatory - Director - Identity - Ownership

Gathered during onboarding actions


This person has performed the final declaration in the portal

Gathered during the declarartion step during onboarding


This person has been declared as a director

Gathered during the declare directors step during onboarding


This person has completed an online IDV and the details of this

Gathered during online IDV step during onboarding


This person has been declared as an owner

Gathered as part of the ownership step during onboarding


All questions and answers that have been completed on the profile

Gathered as part of the questionnaire onboarding step

Related Entities

Details of any related entities that have been gathered in the onboarding process

Gathered as part of the 'related entities' onboarding step


The monitoring dashboard user that this profile is currently assigned to

Set from the monitoring dashboard by your compliance team

Linked profiles

Any profiles that have been linked to this profile

Set from the monitoring dashboard by your compliance team

Example JSON