Profile Status
Each Profile has a status at all times and this is changed by action in the Onboarding Portal. The status is a representation of where the Profile is in the data cycle. The data cycle is comprised of three stages, data source only, declaration submitted and updated declaration.
Status | Description | Automated |
Incomplete | The profile is being fully created and missing key data | Y |
Processed | Base profile is created but is waiting for a user to complete all the onboarding actions | Y |
Needs Review | User has completed all onboarding actions and submiited the final declaration | Y |
Additional Info Required | When config has been changed and additional information has been requested. | Y |
Approved | The compliance team have reviewed the profile and approved it, this is set manually using the Detected monitoring dashboard. | N - Manually set by compliance team |
Declined | The compliance team have reviewed the profile and declined it, this is set manually using the Detected monitoring dashboard. | N - Manually set by compliance team |
Archive | A status to highlight the profile is archived and no longer used. | N - Manually set by compliance team |